Did you know that while I was sleeping I told my mom I was being bullied by my "best friends"? Yeah, I was keeping all this anger, fear and sadness inside and I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want her to know that she was right. And if you are wondering why I even remember this is because bullying has really become a common topic everywhere. I watched the movie"Cyberbully" and it reminded me so much of what I experienced. It breaks my heart every time I watch the news and I hear about young girls and boys as young as 9 committing suicide because they were being harassed at school by other kids. I know the feeling, I have been there and I can as crazy as it sounds understand why the first thing that comes to mind is to die. You just feel trapped in a dark room and everyone is just looking down at you and pointing fingers; it's a nightmare! And just like in the movie, don't look too far because many times is the people we refer to as "f...