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Excerpt: "The Key Part One"

This is one of the many short stories I wrote years ago, they are all in one book and are part of a broken story I was trying to write.

The Key

The sky had a beautiful line of pink, blue, yellow, and purple as the sun disappeared in the horizon. I remember I was sitting in rooftop of the house when I heard his voice for the first time. It was as if time had stopped. The wind was no longer blowing, the sun was no longer setting, and I was no longer breathing. The bird that once flew by me was standing in mid air. I reached up to it and gasped when my finger touched its wings.
“There is a world…” He began to say. “…A world that everyone fears but fears none. It’s a world filled with death, war, and pain. It’s a world that no one knows exist but it’s a world that many people would never forget. It’s the easiest place to get into and the hardest one to come out of. It’s a world where all your strengths must be shown and your weaknesses destroyed. In this world you’ll meet people who know it all…people who are never wrong…people who would never betray you…and people who can cure any possible illness.” I turned to face him and noticed that he was reading from a book. But he wasn’t alone; with him were two other guys.
“Why are you telling me these things?”
“In this world we must know two things: one: Rumah and two: Nizam.” He took the bird into his hand and allowed the bird to fly once more. “They have been protecting the Earth for the years.”
“Are you angels?”
“Angels are wonderful beings that exist only in heaven and by God. Humans can’t become angels but they can be trained by Nizam to help. Nizam receives orders from God. He is the teacher and leader.”
The other guy introduced himself as Naseem. “I’m Naseem, I posses Air.”
The one reading the book then spoke: “I’m Kateb, I’m part of Rumah for my wonderful ability to write.”
“And I’m Kashif the discoverer, just in case you’re wondering how we were able to find you.” After searching in his pocket he placed a small key on the palm of my hand. The key was connected to a chain that looked expensive. It was made of silver. “You must keep this around your neck at all times.”
Kateb searched in the pages of his book: “This chain causes nothing but tragedies to those who wear it. But it’s the key of placement. It tells you where you belong, but it does not tell you why. By accepting this challenge-”
Kateb was interrupted by Khalid’s voice. “Don’t do it!” Khalid was an immortal. The first one I met of them all. “They’re just trying to take you! That’s not where we’ll go. If you come with me…” Suddenly Khalid found himself gasping for air.
“You know the rules Khalid.” Naseem smirked.
I rushed over to Khalid’s aid. That’s when I noticed blood flowing from his nose and I realized what was going on. “Let him breathe!”
Once Naseem allowed Khalid to breath he wrapped his arms around me. “Come with me.”
“Why didn’t you go to Rumah?” I asked him. “I need to know, I need to know everything. I’m tired of hiding.”

He looked deep into my eyes for a few seconds. “Take the key.” He placed a soft but deep and desperate kiss on my lips before disappearing; He left nothing but dust where he once stood.


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