For a while now I have been thinking of all the books I read as a child and how much I love reading. Now that I'm surrounded by so many children in my life, I want them to have the opportunity to read these books as well. This last weekend I went to Barnes and Nobles which happens to be one of my favorite stores ever! I quickly walked to the back of the store to the children literature. I asked CJ and JC to pick a few books they wanted me to buy them. I was disappointed when they reached for the Pokemon and Minecraft (not that I have anything against it) I just wanted them to reach out to other books. I ended up buying for myself "Silvestre y la piedrecita magica" by William Steig & "Frog in Love" by Max Velthuijs. While the twins criticized me for not buying them anything (wrong of me) because I din't like their choice (I'm a Capricorn lol), I ended up reading the two books to them while we waited to enter Olive Garden. Then they asked my sister t...