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Showing posts from January, 2015

Collecting Childhood Books

For a while now I have been thinking of all the books I read as a child and how much I love reading. Now that I'm surrounded by so many children in my life, I want them to have the opportunity to read these books as well. This last weekend I went to Barnes and Nobles which happens to be one of my favorite stores ever! I quickly walked to the back of the store to the children literature. I asked CJ and JC to pick a few books they wanted me to buy them. I was disappointed when they reached for the Pokemon and Minecraft  (not that I have anything against it) I just wanted them to reach out to other books. I ended up buying for myself "Silvestre y la piedrecita magica" by William Steig & "Frog in Love" by Max Velthuijs.  While the twins criticized me for not buying them anything (wrong of me) because I din't like their choice (I'm a Capricorn lol), I ended up reading the two books to them while we waited to enter Olive Garden. Then they asked my sister t...

Book: The Secret

"The secret is the law of attraction! Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you." Prentice  Mulford "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne Thank you Noreen for the gift & Yocasta for recommending!

Excerpt: The Girl In The Mirror

Chapter One “The One Way Street” The last time I was in The Cherry Blossom Street I was eighteen years old, to say the least I was a mess. I was running around with this guy named Sander who got me into smoking weed to “forget the pain”. I wasn’t going to school or working and I wasn’t sleeping or eating right.  I remember the morning that I walked into my room and all my clothes and personal belonging were all packed into boxes and suitcases. “You have to go.” My father said, his eyes were distant, even cold. “Mom!” I said angrily. I looked for support in her, but she was on his side. “I’m sorry baby.” She mumbled. Tears fell from her eyes. “It’s for your best.” I remember Uncle Rob picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed but he carried to the car. Uncle Rob was a police officer and it wasn’t anything new for him. He put me in the back seat of the car and locked it. It was a three hour drive to Aunt Vivian’s home. Aunt Vivian was the str...