
An excerpt I put together for the blog. This is something similar to the other detective pieces I have published before.

The Cheating Husband

3rd Floor
Private Office of Frederick Court
Sunday 3:15 PM

“I'm not particularly interested in investigating a case about a cheating husband.” Detective Alexandra Hamilton looked through a pile of cases the city had asked them to investigate. They were simple tickets and car accidents that had nothing to do with the usual dark crimes they  investigated. But lately in the town of Jacksonville more people were running red lights than murdering.
“Why not?” Detective Matthew Night chuckled.
“Men cheat all the time.” She mumbled.
“Whow!”Matthew that was once leaning back on his chair, sat up. “This is not just any case Alex, check this out.” Matthew passed Alexandra the file. “His wife has been missing for 24 hours, you know what that means?”
“Yes, we just got ourselves a case.” Alexandra smiled before taking the file from her desk and reading over the police report. “No investigation has been done in the last twenty four hours, we are quite behind. Her name is Christina Marks.”
“Married for three years and they have no kids. She was last seeing in a convenience store just two blocks from her home.”
“Her husband George Marks claims that she didn't know about the affair and that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of his wife. Let's run a background check on him and question him.”
“I'm on it, I will as well request for a warrant to get the surveillance of the cameras from the  store in hopes that we can find anything else.”
“Perfect, let's go.”

Frederick was sitting behind his desk, his eyes were focused on Alexandra and Matthew. He had a direct view to them.

Alexandra popped her head in the office. “We are taking the Christina Marks case.”
“Okay.” He wrote something down on a piece of paper. “Where are we starting?”
“Unfortunately we are behind by 24 hours, she could be anywhere by now. But I need a background check on the husband and I need the surveillance from the convenience store.”
“Let me focus on that, you and Matt head over to the husband’s home. Take a look around the house see if anything has changed. I’m going to call Timothy James, he was the officer that originally responded to the police report. He will meet you at the home.”


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