Things We Leave Behind 4

When I was young I used to fly back and forth from New york to Dominican Republic and I really loved flying. I actually remember when I was hanging out with some people and we decided to drive to Shea Stadium. In a parking lot nearby we watched planes take off and I just really loved flying and planes.  But now it's different. After 911, for years I kept dreaming about planes and I always fell from the plane or it never took off. This year was the first year that I actually had a dream and the plane took off and I was okay. I think there are so many movies about plane crashes that it's hard not to let it get your head. 
When 911 happened I was young, I was in 6th grade and so I didn't think much about it and what happened. But as I grew up I looked at documentaries and testimonies and the images of people just jumping out of the building. I read about the amount of people that gave their lives trying to save those that were trapped in the building and it's heartbreaking. The images of the plane hitting the towels and knowing that those planes were filled with innocent civilians trying to get home and they ended up dying that way. I think that's why I cry every time the plane is taking off, I can't help it. It's something that as a New Yorker you carry with you. You really didn't have to be affected directly, to be affected by such events. You really just have to be human to be moved by the events of 911.
My father and my brother were working in 5th Avenue when it happened and I'm glad that they were fine and got home safe. I know a lot of people can't say that and even though it has been over ten years since 911, we should still pray for those families that no longer get to spend a Christmas or a Thanksgiving with their love ones. Families that won't see their love one grow old or arrive at their destination.



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