Stop Second Guessing Yourself

Location: Murder Mystery Dinner

Murderer: ?

We had 9 minutes to figure out who murdered Mark and we were 100% sure that Leah had been the murderer. The Sheriff writes down Leah's name and we are seconds away from handling the paper to our host when...

Yes, we second guessed out choice.
Doubts took over our minds and we began wondering if we were wrong and perhaps we hadn't thought things through. Maybe we had pointed fingers at Leah too soon!

"We are very smart!" Eileen says. "We figured out the murderer because we studied every detail carefully."

Still doubt remained.

We rambled on for another two minutes  as we ate the cake  and three of us were sure it was time to change the answer.

 the Sheriff had the last word.

She picked up her pen and took one last look at Rusty.

Rusty said.

"No, says was Leah."


The Sheriff changed the answer and handed our host the piece of paper.

We walked downstairs still discussing the case but hopeful that maybe we had the right answer. But as our host disqualified table by table we became to wonder.
Why had we second guessed ourselves? Leah had to be the murderer. Everything pointed to her, she had the most to gain and the most to lose from Mark's death.

Eileen was right, she didn't kill Mark.

Our host grabbed the piece of paper and said:

"Library is disqualified, Eileen didn't do it.......the murderer is.......Leah."


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