
“The idea is that we all collaborate in this project TOGETHER. We are lacking in the team department.” Violet picked up the last issue of the magazine and raised it up in the air. “This was the last issue worth reading. After this, you guys went downhill. The University has asked me analyze your work. If I feel that this magazine is not worth reading anymore, they will shut you down.”
Violet looked around the room. When nobody said anything she continue. “For those of you majoring in Publishing, writing or journalism, you will not get a letter of recommendation from the department if the magazine is shut down.” The mumbling began. As people in the room were obviously upset about the University’s decision. “Calm down, calm down. That’s why I’m here, I’m going to make sure this doesn’t happen. But I’m going to need your help.”
“What a way to start the year.” Amy rolled her eyes. “I’m going to have lunch with Ben, want to join us?”
“No, I can’t. I have to pick up my daughter from day care.”
“I’m going to reassign a few tasks. It will be up on the board by tomorrow morning. Please take the rest of the afternoon to do research and we’ll meet and talk about topics and projects for the March issue. Any questions?”
Nobody raised their hands.
“Okay then, see you tomorrow.”
Alexandra reached out for her jacket. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She waved to Amy as she rushed out of the door to pick up Erika. Alexandra been juggling between motherhood and school. As a single mother she had only her father to lean on. Thankfully Mr. Hamilton was more than happy to have one of his twin daughters living in the house with him. After he and Katherine divorced Allyson had moved out and cut all communications with her father.
The Day Care was just two blocks away and so Alexandra as always walked. The campus bus stopped just in front and she would always catch it on time. “Hey Sarah!” Sarah was the owner of the Day Care. “How was she today? I hope not too much trouble.”
“Oh she was great. I should tell you that Mark stopped by and he wanted to see her.”
“Of course, I said no. He’s not in the child’s paperwork. We can’t let him see her without your authorization.” Sarah explained.
“Thank you.” Alexandra picked up her sleeping daughter and wrapped her in a blanket. “I haven’t seen him in months. As a matter of fact I saw him a month before Erika was born and he told me he didn’t want anything to do with her. If he stops by again, tell him that he needs to call me if he wants to see her.”
“Will do. Now, go.” She pointed to the bus arriving at the bus stop. Alexandra grabbed her daughter’s dipper bag and walked out. The driver Anthony, already knew her and Erika. They were faithful costumers.
“Good morning, Alex.” Anthony smiled. “How are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?” Alexandra sat down in the front. The bus was as usual carrying just a few passengers at that time.
“I’m good. Enjoying this beautiful winter day. Only a few more weeks before spring.” Alexandra was distracted when she noticed at the corner where the stop sign was, Mark was standing there. He was staring at her with his dark eyes. He looked angry. “Alex?”
The bus moved past him but Mark’s eyes were looking straight, his head never turned. “Yes...did you see him?”
“Who? The guy that was standing at the stop sign?”
“Yeah...” Alexandra couldn’t shake of the feeling.  Why was Mark acting so mysterious? He disappeared for almost a year and then showed up at Erika’s Day Care.  What did he want? Why didn’t he just stop by her father’s home?
“He was a little creepy. But pay him no mind.” Anthony shrugged it off. If only it was that simple for Alexandra.


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