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Showing posts from April, 2017

Things We Leave Behind 5

Let me tell you about Isha. Isha was a popular merengue singer for children in the 90's.  Oh, I just loved her cassette. It was upbeat music with lyrics that taught children to have fun, stay in school and respect their parents. (You can google Isha "Salta" or Isha "Sisisi nonono") to listen to her music.) I remember how amazing it was to see her in concert! I wish I had pictures and videos but unfortunately, I don't. All I have are my memories. When I listened to Isha,  all my friends would gather and we would dance and sing. It was beautiful to be a child in the 90's. Everyone would play outside til it was time for dinner. We listened to music and dance. We didn't have a care in the world, we just wanted to play and laugh. I didn't remember Isha for a very long time. Then one day, I searched her up and found her song. I swear I closed my eyes and I was five again.  See, everyone that used to dance those songs with m...

Excerpt: Una sirena en la mar

Capítulo uno:  Un amanecer sobre el mar “Qué necesidad la tuya de querer pintar todos los amaneceres de San Carlos. ¿Es que no son todos iguales?” Mario tomó asiento junto a Luna. La arena aún no se había calentando con los rayos del sol. Seguía un poco húmeda por la alta marea del mar. “Qué necesidad la tuya de preguntarme la misma pregunta todas las mañanas.” Luna sonrió. “Para contestar tu pregunta, no todos los amaneceres son iguales. Algunas como el amanecer de hoy está cubierto con algunas nubes en la distancia. Eso es porque viene una pequeña pero segura tormenta para esta tarde.” Luna le dio sus últimos toques a la pintura y puso de brocha sucia de pintura en una lata de agua. Mario miró a la distancia. Sus ojos quedaron distraídos por los bellos colores amarillos que iluminaban el cielo. “Yo sé que algún día Luna, vas a poder colgar todas esas pinturas tuyas en el museo de Bellas Artes.” “Dios te oiga.” La familia d...