Courage: Episode 1

When I was told that we were going to ride gondolas, I was sure I would not be able to do it. My fear of heights immediately kicked in and my hands were sweating before I even got close to the place. But then I remembered something a friend texted me:

Here's the passage: 
"'The most important quality on the spiritual path is courage,' said Gandhi.

The world seems threatening and dangerous to cowards. They seek the false security of a life with no major challenges and arm themselves to the teeth in order to defend what they think they possess. Cowards end up making the bars of their own prison.

The warrior of light projects her thoughts beyond the horizon. She knows that if she does not do anything for the world, no one else will.

So she fights the Good Fight and she helps others, even though she does not quite understand why."

The Manual of The Warrior of the Light: Paulo Coelho

I told myself at this point that I was going to ride that gondola up the mountain and not let fear keep me from enjoying the experience. And I did, I jumped in right after my fellow group members. They were so great to me, they encouraged and held my hand as we rode up the mountain. It was an absolutely beautiful scenery and I wish  I had more pictures but I was so nervous going up. I took the picture above as we were going down the mountain.  I let go of Cynthia's hand and I took a deep breath and I looked down. It was great. I felt great.

I don't even know where my fear of height comes from, maybe is about being vulnerable. I feel so vulnerable in those kinds of moments knowing that if anything happens I won't be able to fly off.  I don't know, all I know is that on Saturday, August 19, 2017, I did something out of my comfort zone. I was surrounded by wonderful and encouraging people that showed me kindness and strength. This is a moment in my life I will never forget.

So thank you, everyone.


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