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Excerpt: The Different Moons

The sun was rising in the Hamilton’s mansion as the automatic lights turned off and once again allowed the sun to be the only source of light in the home.  From the distance you could hear a few horses running away and Anthony the caretaker along with his son Tony were letting them free and providing the horses with hay. The mansion had a small stable where they kept the horses; they were the only animals that Katherine allowed. Each girl was allowed to have a horse as long as they promised not to bring any more animals into the house.

He placed the tray on a small table Alexandra kept in her bedroom for those days she simply wanted to eat alone. It was an excellent morning and he found his wife standing by the window. She was admiring the sunrise and so Marshall wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. “I thought I should bring you some breakfast.”
“Thanks sweetheart.” She lightly smiled at him. “I thought we would be joining the family downstairs.”
“I think you should rest some more sweet heart. Lately you have not been feeling well and I’m worried about you.” She turned around to face him and allowed him to caress her cheeks.
“I’m alright, I’m sure the doctor is exaggerating.” They looked into each other’s eyes and she sighed. “I was thinking of getting back to work. My students need me and I’m not doing anything at home anyways.”
“Alex, please don’t go back to work yet. We’re trying out for a baby, what about that?”
“You already heard what the doctor said Marshall. I can’t have children right now, is frustrating but for some reason we are not compatible. He doesn’t want me to take any more medicine or take any more risks. Maybe in a year we’ll…”
“I don’t want to wait a year Alexandra!” Marshall walked towards the other side of the room. “I’m not 23 years old like you, I’m 30 and I want to have a family already.”
“We can’t risk it, why can’t you understand that? It could make the situation much worst if-if we keep trying. Gosh!” she argued back. “Look, how about we consider adopting until the time comes? We can adopt a cute little baby and-”
“That won’t be my son or my daughter!” He interrupted indignantly. “How can you even ask me to do something like that?”
“You’re acting like I don’t want to have a baby Marshall. It’s not my choice.”
“Look, I want you to really think about this Alexandra. I seriously don’t know how long we are going to last this way.”
“What are you trying to say?” A few tears formed in her eyes. Why couldn’t he understand she didn’t want to take any more risks? She could possibly end up not having any kids at all.
“You need to do this for me Alexandra.” That said he grabbed his jacket and walked out the bedroom leaving Alexandra puzzled and teary.
Meanwhile Emily was looking in her closet for something to wear. Today she was going to be part of a show and needed a few outfits she had designed the week earlier. She could’ve sworn she had placed it in her closet but couldn’t find it. Just then Jamie Lee walked in the room sporting a beautiful mini skirt and t-shirt that made her look absolutely fabulous. “What do you think you’re doing?” Emily asked the brunette that was admiring herself in front of the mirror. “I designed those clothes for my show this afternoon, take them off!”
“Oh come on Emily, I look beautiful! If I want to score a date for the prom I have to wear something fabulous every day. So of course whom am I going to borrow clothes from? I looked in the closet of my sister Emily because she is a model and a designer.”
“I can’t lend you those clothes Jamie Lee!” Emily was losing her patience. If she wanted to get in time to stage to prepare everything she would have to leave soon. “After the girls wear them I’ll give them to you, okay? Now take them off I need them for the show!”
“You’re going to give me used clothes? No way, I want something new!” Jamie Lee pouted and used her beautiful light brown eyes to look as innocent as possible.
“Oh you stop that! You’re not even allowed to go to school dress like that! I’ll design something for you I promise. But I simply can’t let you have these clothes.”
“Alright” Jamie Lee searched in Emily’s closet and as annoying as it was for Emily, she simply wanted the outfit back.
“Not tomorrow Jamie Lee, I need it now!”
“Okay, okay.”
“Girls” Alexandra knocked softly on the door. “I need you.”


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