Excerpt: Believing in Something, Chapter Three

“When did you drop him off at school?” Alexandra was sitting in her office, behind her desk, with a notepad at hand and a disturbing image in her head. A child had gone missing and she could only imagine how frightened the child must be feeling.
“I dropped my son off at school at around...7:45 or so?” The mother nervously answered. HEr eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes. “Gosh, do you think we’ll find him? I…”
“Mrs. Cane, I’m sure we’ll find Jake. I need you to work with me. Did you see anything weird? Maybe someone out of place that you’ve never seen before?”
“No...I...I don’t remember. I wish I did...I...I was rushing to work. I didn’t bother to look around because I figured Jake would come home safe like he always did.”
“It’s okay Mrs. Cane. It’s not your fault. I’m just trying to figure out what happened that day in school. Maybe an event or something that doesn’t fit into the routine. When did you notice Jake was missing?”
“I came home at 5 pm. He wasn’t home. His babysitter was waiting outside on the steps. She said Jake never made it home and that she tried calling me. Oh, I was so busy.”
“Do you remember what your son was wearing?”
“His usual uniform; blue pants and white shirt with a blue tie and black shoes. He had his Spiderman bookbag.”
“Okay, thank you Mrs. Cane. If you remember anything at all…” Alexandra searched in her drawer for a card. “Call me. I’ll keep you posted.”
“Thank you, I feel so much better knowing I’ll be working with such a great detective. I know about the Stevenson’s case and...well you know the story better than I do.”

Alexandra cracked a smiled. “Thank you.”


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