Excerpt: "My Strength And My Weaknesses"

This book was a random idea I had when I was just in middle school and early high school years. It's incomplete for now. But there is no doubt I'll come back to it in the near future.

 “…I can’t wait until you meet him. He is perfect.” She went on to say. It was so Amy to just talk about herself. We were currently in her bedroom lying on the bed. I couldn’t believe she could possibly decorate her room in pink. The walls were of a light pink nicely decorated with curtains of a darker shade of pink. Her lamps, pillow sheets, and any other sort of the decoration were dark pink to match the curtains. Out of all the sisters she was definitely the girlish one. She was currently a model for my father’s designing company. “The boy is a sexy thing.” She bit on her lower lip. “Anyways, how is work? That’s all you do right?”
“Hey! I happen to love my job.” I lied. “Oh and I hate your room by the way. It’s awful! How could you possibly think pink is the right color to decorate a room?” I enjoyed the satisfaction of bothering her every now and then. I was constantly traveling around the states in business trips and I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to my family. Whenever I was home however, I made sure to give everyone my attention my love. We had been through a lot after my parent’s divorce but we managed somehow to put it all together.
“Oh you Ms. Hamilton are such a hater!” She joked. “I love my room it makes me feel like we’re kids again. Now life is just traveling, meeting hot models, going to cocktail parties, and just work! It’s not as fun as when we were younger.”
“You’re a model woman; at least you don’t have to deal with all the bullshit I have to deal with.”I complained. “I have to travel, go to boring meetings, and I have no friends here in New York. My friends are down in Florida.”
“I know.” She sighed. “We had great times down there in Florida. I missed the shopping malls down there they were great! I mean fashion here is great but whatever, anyways I think you’re working too hard. Why don’t you take a break?”
“Amy, I’m glad you are worried about me but trust me sweetie I’m fine.” I took hold of her hand and squeezed it for reassurance. “I use my traveling as an opportunity to meet new people. Maybe in one of those travels I’ll meet the right guy. We’ll I like to think so.”
“Erika*, daddy needs you in the office.” Annie called out. She was currently standing by the doorway watching Amy and I interact. “There is a meeting or something. You want me to take over?” She was my twin sister, identical twin. I sometimes couldn’t tell each other apart from pictures I did however feel like she was much prettier. I don’t know there was something so angelic about her; she was perfect. White was her favorite color; white and any other light colors. She hated that I wore so much black but it was actually one of the way people could tell us apart; I wore dark colors and she wore light colors. But did it really matter? I was always wearing a business suits anyway.
“No.”I placed a soft kiss on Amy’s cheek before getting up from the bed. “I have to go to work but I’ll see you tonight. Did you know Amy is bringing her boyfriend to dinner tonight?” I asked Annie.
“She won’t shut up about it!” Annie laughed. “I want him to come already so I don’t have to hear one more word about him. How did you meet him anyway?”
“He is a model you girls know the deal.” Amy answered. “What’s with you two hating on me so much anyways? Do I sense jealousy?”
Annie and I both laughed. We knew that Amy was always meeting models and it was great at first but she would quickly get tired. Something always tired her if it wasn’t getting too pampered, she would get tired of looking at the same pretty face. “No.” I shook my head before grabbing my bag. “I’ll see you girls tonight.”
“Erika* Alexandra, where do you think you’re going?” I heard my mom asked. I could tell by the flowery apron she was wearing on top of her clothes that she was cooking. Maybe baking a cake it was something she liked to do when the whole family was together. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving, what about dinner tonight? Amy is bringing her boyfriend tonight and I even said your father could come over. I don’t want him to come, but I’m doing this for you.”

“Ma relax, daddy needs me in the office.” I explained.  “I should be home by dinner time okay? Oh and please get rid of that apron, it’s horrible.” I laughed my way all the way to the office. She couldn’t believe I had insulted her precious apron with flowers of all different colors. It had been a gift from my nana Mary. Right before we moved to New York nana had showed up in the airport and given it to my mom. She was worried that we might forget her but I visit her every time I get a chance.


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