Random Thought

This year I set myself goals. If there is something that defines me is that I really enjoy planning and creating goals for myself. It's a way of keeping myself alive and active.  It keeps me positive and motivated and who doesn't want to feel like that? There are a lot of things I want to accomplish before I'm thirty and so far I'm doing a very good job at getting things done. But there is a lot I still have to do and that makes me excited to live, to be alive. I think slowly you find your purpose in this world when you are truly doing something that makes you happy.  You find that you wake up every morning with this certain adrenaline that makes your heart pump in suspense for what you are about to do next. This feeling is something we can quickly lose if we let ourselves fall into the routine of work and sleep. If you live in New York like me, you find yourself most likely dealing with this often. Which is why you must try and find a balance in your life. How? By getting to know yourself. Look deep and find what exactly it is that you wish to accomplish.

There is something else that I realized and it's that we need to understand that everything in life is a process. You can't try to jump ahead of any steps because that would just make you feel stuck. You have to live and enjoy every step that you have to take in your life, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. With this mind set and taking things one day at a time, you can truly find that no matter how tough things get in life, you can find yourself content. I can't promise you happiness because I don't believe there is such thing as living in happiness. We experience different emotions every day and I in particular have crazy unbalanced hormones. I have accepted that I'm never going to be happy all of the time and that's okay. Did you know that when I get too happy I actually get sad? Yup. But I enjoy my happy moments the best way I know how to and I treasure them.

So, did this rant make any sense? I think so.


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