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Random Thought

We Travel There For The Women.

We travel there for the women, he said. The women there are lost. You see the young girls 14 and 15, willing to sleep with men, he said. You see them without future, without self respect, without morals. You see them easy and innocent. You see them eager for a better future, you seem yearning for attention, you see them without parents. You see them girls without education or guidance. You see them without God, without soul. You see them and you hurt for them...

I see them and I...I contribute to the problem.

This was inspired by a conversation I had with a costumer at work. He says that he travels to Dominican Republic because of the women there. And by women he meant the young teenage girls that according to him are "lost". Even though he claimed he never looked for underage girls, this left a pain in my heart.
We are losing our young girls to sex and prostitution. We are losing our young girls to men that want nothing but sex and to mistreat them. We are constantly hearing cases of women that are beaten and murdered by their husbands. Men murdering women because they refuse to have sex with them even.
Our men aren't educated about women's right. Even though they come from women, they refuse to value women. Many times you see men in their fifties and forties with young girls that are barely making it out of puberty and this is not okay.
They are not letting our women grow, they are not teaching women to value themselves. Our women are in fact lost and confused. They feel helpless and scared and they are falling apart.
Society criticizes them harshly which is why you hear that so many of them are getting their bodies done. How could you love yourself if society is constantly telling you that you are ugly if you aren't perfect?
Many of them can't get any good job positions because their bosses (almost always men) won't give them a high position unless they have sex with them. What can they expect? What future do they have?
Men are to blame as much as the mothers that praise the boys and do everything for them. Fathers and mothers that tell their daughters they need to clean and cook if they want to be someone in the world. Fathers and mothers that instead of putting their daughters in front, they push them back. They tell them they can't do things because they are women. They even tell their daughters that to be someone they have to find a men. Men are above women they say.
As if it's not enough, they hurt their sons by not teaching them to be independent, to respect women and respect themselves.
This is a hurtful cycle that seems to not have an end.
And I pray for those young women.
May they reach out to God and somehow find their way.
I pray for those young men.
That they educate themselves a little more about humanity.
This is not just about men and women anymore, it's about humanity.
Having feelings, understanding the pain that you are inflicting into someone else and understanding that it's not right.
Sexualizing women, treating them as objects and maids doesn't make you a man. Treating them with respect does.

Puerto Plata
My home


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