"The Fundamentals Of Caring"

If you are in need of some inspiration you might want to watch "The Fundamentals of Caring". Paul Rudd, Craig Roberts, and Selena Gomez are part of the cast that brings this film to life. It's playing on Netflix right now and I'm having an off day today, so, I decided to watch it.

Basically, you have Trevor who's suffering from DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). His life like many of our lives is a monotony. He eats the same things every day and watches the same show.  He has this map of places he wants to visit but has gone nowhere. Then, there's Ben a caregiver that can't seem to move on from his ex-wife after their son died in an accident. And you add Dot to the mix, a runaway whose mother died from cancer and is looking to go to Colorado,. Altogether we have a good group of people who need just a little bit more love and care.

They find this love in each other because when you care about someone enough to help them achieve their dreams, you earn a friend for life. And I mean a real friend, not someone that will talk about you behind your back. You earned a friend that's willing to put their hands in the fire for you.

This movie just came into my life at the right time because I'm starting a new journey for myself. I'm about to start climbing up the mountain to reach new goals I have made for myself. It's not just goals that will benefit me but in the long run, will also benefit my family. Those are the kind of goals at the age of 26 that I will set for myself. I'm ready to step up my game and continue growing into the woman I want to be.

That said, think about this:

Imagine if you could go out there and see the places you dream about? Wouldn't that be just great? Well, that's exactly what Trevor has the opportunity of doing and by seeing his journey it really gets me thinking about my own journey and the places I want to visit. I already made a list and I already knocked one out.

Think about your journey...where would you like to go? 
What would you like to do?
Where would you start and where would you end your journey?


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