Excerpt: My Brother's Wife

“My Brother’s Wife”

Chapter One: Money Gone

Part of nanowrimo2012

He grabbed the lighter from the drawer in the kitchen and lit up a cigarette.

“You are telling me you had absolutely nothing to do with the robbery?” Stephanie grabbed the pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. “You think I’m stupid?”

“Geo betrayed us.” Luke mumbled. His eyes were deep and dark. There was something scary about them. Maybe it was the intense glare he was giving Stephanie.

She calmly smoked the cigarette. “Geo is a little bitch.” She bit out. “But I know how we can remind him who we are.” She walked towards Luke. “Let’s fuck with his head.”

“I think I need to fix things with your brother first. I don’t want him to think I stole the money of the merchandise.” Luke put out the cigarette and grabbed his keys. “You coming?”

“Fuck that. I’m going to sleep, gotta work tonight at the diner. Tommy better fucking pay tonight. We need money Lu…why don’t you fucking get some money?”

“Get off my back about this, okay? I talked to Jason and he is going to hook me up with something. I can’t be selling weed anymore. Janice is not going to get me out if I get back in jail. I’m not about to be in that shit anymore.”

Stephanie grabbed Luke’s shirt and pushed herself on him. “And If I see that bitch Joyce on you we are going to have a problem.”

“I told you Joyce is Jason’s girlfriend. God damn it Stephanie!” Luke pushed her away. “Get your head straight!” That said he grabbed his jacket and slammed the door.

Marcus slammed his fist on the table. “Name. Give me his fucking name!”

“He goes by the name of Geo. Nobody knows his real name.” Luke explained as he served himself a drink, vodka was his favorite. “He screwed me over.”

“Why am I not surprise Luke? Are you ever going to fucking learn that in this business you have no friends? Wasn't I clear on that!?”

Luke gulped his drink down and served himself another. He could feel it burning down his throat.

“I made a fucking mistake Marcus! Besides I wasn't the one in charge of the money. The merchandise arrived to its destination and that was my job.”

“Get out of my house Luke. You are shit.”


“You are shit, shit, shit, shit, shit Lucas!”

Luke placed the glass calmly on the table and with his jaw shut tight he walked out the door. Outside he pulled out another cigarette and smoked as he leaned on his truck. Moments like this Luke couldn't understand how he ended up living with Stephanie and dealing with Marcus’ shit.


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