Excerpt: The Threat

I choose to write The Threat as part of Nanowrimo 2013, unfortunately I didn't get to finish it. But I am working on it. I only have a few chapters left. I wanted to share this important moment in my novel.

The minute I hit the floor I could feel the petals slowly moving towards my body as if some imaginary wind was pushing them to me. I don't think I believed one word that crazy nurse said until that moment. The reality hit me that I was truly going to die and there was absolutely nothing I could do.

"This place is magical." I heard her say. "You see it right?"
I couldn't speak. I could just stared up at her sickening face.  How happy she looked in a place that wasn't hers and that she would never have. Just that little detail made me happy. Imagine if she actually had the antidote to Moonlites. Imagine how many more people would be dead and the awful things she would do.

"I'm going to explore, this is where I leave you. I hope that you find Timothy in hell and he slaps you for being so stupid and sending him to his death. I think he would've made it at the caves but I guess we'll never know."

She got back in the truck and took off leaving me paralyzed in the middle of nowhere. It took maybe a minute before petals began to fall as if it was snow. Slowly and painfully cutting through my skin over and over again. I felt like I was being slashed with a knife all over my body and being unable to move. My heart wanted to jump off my chest and I tried to move but was incapable of doing so, I was trapped in my own body.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I heard myself scream before my heart stopped beating.


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