The Library Books

It was a couple of weeks before my paper was done and I had yet to do my research. I remember Peter and I were heading to the Library of Manhattan, where I had previously requested a few books for my topic. I was planning on writing about the women in the life of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. I linked that up to feminism and bang! I had a good topic for my thesis paper.

So, how does this fit into the story? Well how many people took a Don Quijote de La Mancha course in the Spring of  2013? How many people were looking to write a thesis paper about how the author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra can be considered a feminist for his time?

Well, let's find out. Here I go to the library where I had ordered three books the week before. I give my ticket to the woman behind the desk. And she goes to the back to search for the books. I'm standing there looking at the ceiling. By the way, what a beautiful ceiling. I can't quite remember it but it's just very enchanting.

Suddenly, she comes back and says that there seems to be some kind of mistake and she couldn't find my books. A young guy took the papers from her hands and went to look for the books himself. It only took him a few seconds. He came back and he smiled. "You know it's so weird." He said. "Someone named Alexandra Hamilton had already requested the exact same books as you the week before you did. What a coincidence!"

First, the theater, now this. I thought.


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