Excerpt: My Hearts Break

He could hear cries coming from a corner in the library. He had a pretty idea who was crying…Alexandra. She had been in love with Royce for the last two years and they had become best friends with time. Today Royce had just announced that he and Daisy were in a relationship and Alexandra wasn’t taking it pretty well. There was so much she could handle but definitely not this! She had lost her Royce the only guy that she had really loved and cared.
He didn’t know whether he should talk to her or just let her cry…crying was good. He sighed before grabbing a book and making his way towards her. Her body was shaking lightly as she sat on the floor hugging her knees. He felt sorry and lightly hurt for her. It had been just about a year earlier when he was in her shoes after Alexandra had broken up with him and no matter how much he pleaded she wouldn’t take him back. He took a seat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“Thanks Daniel.” She tried to smile through the tears but it was useless. The pain was too much for her heart to handle. Alexandra used her hands to cover her face because she didn’t want Daniel to watch her cry. She didn’t want to be vulnerable around him or anyone else. At that point Daniel didn’t know what to do to help her. He had never seen her cry this way before she was hysterical.


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